Polski Komitet
Wielkich Sieci Elektrycznych


Study Committees

Technical issues taken up by CIGRE concern the following main areas of expertise: planning and operation of the power system; design, construction, maintenance technical efficiency and decommissioning of electrical power devices with different voltage levels and the sources of production; power system relays; telecommunications and remote control devices; IT systems. These issues, along with the others dealing with environmental, organizational, market and regulatory issues are the main areas of the investigation and activity of 16 Study Committees.

Symbol Study Committees Representative of PKWSE during the 2022-2024 term
A1 Rotating electrical machines Mariusz Mazur
A2 Power transformers and reactors Piotr Mański
A3 Transmission and distribution equipment Ewa Wiśniewska
B1 Insulated cables Aleksandra Rakowska
B2 Overhead lines Krzysztof Lenarczyk
B3 Substations and electrical installations Sławomir Samek
B4 DC systems and power electronics Krzysztof Madajewski
B5 Protection and automation Marcin Lizer
C1 Power system development and economics Maksymilian Przygrodzki
C2 Power system operation and control Michał Izdebski
C3 Power system environmental performance Maria Sacha
C4 Power system technical performance Piotr Rzepka
C5 Electricity markets and regulation Andrzej Midera
C6 Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources Jan Smoter
D1 Materials and emerging test techniques Marcin Szewczyk
D2 Information systems and telecommunication Jan Piotrowski

The primary method of activity of CIGRE is by the working groups (WG) appointed within the Study Committees. Works of the working groups enable the exchange of knowledge, information, experience and cooperation among the experts from around the world. Currently, in the structures of CIGRE more than 200 working groups are active where more than 2500 experts from around the world are involved. The results of working groups activity are published in the form of a technical brochure where the current knowledge concerning the selected issue is gathered. Summary and comments on published technical brochures are presented in current issues of ELECTRA.

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See website - www.cigre.org